

Best of  The “Tips On Acting” Blog 2014

When it comes to helping actors, I'm grateful to say that in 2014 a lot of wonderful things happened. The results you have all been getting have really inspired me.

I created a bunch of new trainings to help you be better and book more. I made lots of new video acting tips for you. And, 2014 was the year I launched this Tips On Acting Blog for you.

best of the blog tips on acting

I went back through all the content I posted this year and pulled out what I consider the “Best Of” my blog in 2014. I heard from you that these are the posts you loved best, shared most and couldn’t get enough of.

If you missed any of these, now would be a great time to take stock and draw from this content whatever you feel would help you the most in the coming year of your acting career.  Enjoy!

The Best Of My “Tips On Acting” Blog 2014

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What I Know For Sure 2015

This is a very powerful post that I recommend reading first in case you happened to miss it during the holiday hubbub. As you begin to prepare for the BEST YEAR EVER in your acting care, let it inspires you and ignite the fire in you… or at least bring a little smile to your face.

The 4 Biggest Pilot Season Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

In the hopes of helping you avoid the schizophrenic, exhausted self-doubt and/or the Harry Potter in the dark forest phenomenon, here are 4 of the biggest Pilot Season mistakes most actors make and how you can easily avoid them.

Why The Jason Momoa Audition for Game of Thrones Stopped Me Dead In My Tracks

The Jason Momoa Audition for Game of Thrones seems to have gone viral and there’s some good reason for it. There are definitely some great lessons to be learned from it for every actor and I will share 5 of them with you here.

How To Turn Your Emotional Acting Auditions From Blah to Brilliant

Emotional acting auditions. You either love ‘em or you struggle with ‘em. But here’s the thing… Even if you LOVE emotional acting auditions, you are at RISK of tanking your acting audition if you don’t read this…

How To Be An Actor When “They” Don’t Support You

Knowing how to be an actor — an actor who is happy, an actor who works and has a life — can be challenging enough. But when you have people in your life who don’t support your choice, it can be even more challenging….IF, you don’t have some strategies in place to help you.

3 Acting Lessons I Learned From Robin Williams

Acting lessons come from many places. And I keep asking myself how can we make sense of the seemingly senseless loss of a great talent like Robin Williams. My way of dealing with tragedy has always been to first acknowledge its innate sadness, then let it go and THEN to find a way to FEEL GOOD when I think about it. So here are 3 acting lessons you can run with from the great performances of of Robin Williams.

Acting Audition Psych Out – Uh-Oh…I’m Not Right For This Acting Audition!

Acting Audition Psych Out…It happens to every actor at one time or another. You get the call from your agent about the acting audition. You look at the breakdown description for your character and you’re nothing like it? What do you do? Read this…

The Jim Carrey Commencement Video: 6 Acting Tips Every Actor Needs To Know

After seeing the full Jim Carrey commencement video, which was jam-packed with awesome stuff, I pulled out 6 key points that every actor should know and apply to their life, their craft, their acting careers. There were so many more but heck, this is a blog post, not a book!

Tips On Acting | Why Most Actors Fail

When it comes to tips on acting, the biggest void that exists is actor training on belief. Yes, belief. As an actor, you need to train yourself in how to maintain your belief in order to succeed as an actor, so you can land squarely on that red carpet where you belong.

Audition Tip: Never Show Your Underwear To The Casting Director

An Audition tip with underwear in it. It doesn’t come along often. But yet…here we are. Right here in this blog, I’m going to demonstrate how your underwear AND purple flying cows could absolutely destroy your auditions.

Audition Tips & One Sure Way To Turn a Casting Director’s Head in the Audition Room

Audition tips that give you insight into what to do better in the audition room, particularly when they come from Casting Directors, can really help you book more acting jobs. In this blog you will learn what the best source for your audition tips is and then, of course, you’ll get an awesome audition tip.

I hope you enjoyed this “Best of” blog.

Your turn!  Which post did you enjoy? What would you like to hear more about in 2015?  Please share in the comments below :-)  I love hearing from you!  You inspire me :-)

You DESERVE The Red Carpet,
P.S. I will be doing my annual New Year’s Day free LIVE webinar this year where I will share my plan for you to UNLEASH YOUR MAGNIFICENCE and go “Beast” in your acting career in 2015. If you want to be on (and trust me, you do), click the image below to register now.  BEAST MODE: ON


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Did this Best of  The “Tips On Acting” Blog 2014 help you? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook

Amy Jo Berman - Acting Coach
Amy Jo Berman's Tips On Acting & Auditioning Blog
Email: Asst@AmyJoBerman.com

“I show actors how to be better, book more jobs and live The Red Carpet life!”

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6 Responses

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  2. Shashi Ranjan says:

    That’s actually a very good guide for youngsters looking forward to making a successful career in acting. There is a huge competition in youngsters for becoming a good actor and with your guide; it could become quite easy for them to learn to act in actor’s way. It was a nicely written blog.

  3. Nice Blog.

    If you want to make your future in acting, you can join the Treehouse Acting Studio. Treehouse Acting Studio is a place for all levels of students to learn the craft of acting. Whether you are a professional, a beginner, or even just curious, we have a class that fits your needs.


  4. I choose to pick a Theme for the year instead. Inspired by Marci Shimoff in a newsletter I received few years back. Loved the list here too. Happy New Year and 2015 is already starting off GREAT!!!

  5. Rebecca says:

    This is a wonderful compilation, thank you!

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