
Archive for the ‘Classes & Webinars’ Category


4 Lethal Pilot Season Mistakes Most Actors Make (And The Fixes You Need For Each)


Pilot Season.

Two simple words send a shiver down the spine of thousands of actors every year…

Why does the annual madness known as Pilot Season cause shivers?  

I'll tell you in just a sec…

But more importantly…

How can you avoid the 4 BIG mistakes those shivers will cause you to make?

Don't worry…I've got ya covered

Let's dig in…

The Acting Class Bottom Line: How Much Does A Good One Cost? [Pt. 3 of 3]

how much does acting class cost

This post is the third in a 3-part series on “6 Steps To Find The Perfect Acting Class For You”.

Part 1: Finding The Perfect Acting Class; Sorting, Sifting & Being Specific
Part 2: 6 Things To Look For When You Audit An Acting Class
Part 3: [You Are Here] Price, Value & Location of The Perfect Acting Class

actor branding

In the first post, I gave you 3 important steps in our 6-step process to help you find, focus and narrow down your acting class choices.

In the second post, I addressed step 4 and showed you 6 important things to look for when you’re auditing potential acting classes.

Now that you’ve narrowed down your potential class and teacher candidates, this post will pick up where the second post left off, and give you the answer to 2 final important questions…

“How much should a good acting class cost?”

“What if there’s no good classes near me?”

Let’s dig into the next step in the process… Read more >>

6 Steps To Find The Perfect Acting Class For You (Part 1 of 3): Sorting, Sifting & Being Specific

acting class part 1

This is Part One of a three-part series on finding the perfect acting class for you.

Part 1: [You Are Here] Sorting, Sifting & Being Specific
Part 2:  6 Things To Look For When You Audit An Acting Class
Part 3:  The Acting Class Bottom Line: How Much Does A Good One Cost?

actor branding

Finding the perfect acting class for you sounds simple, but it’s far from it.

And let’s face it, it’s an important choice because who you entrust your most vulnerable, creative self with can have a major impact on you, your process and your career as an actor.

In just a sec, I’ll show you the  first half of the 6-step process you can use to make sure you’re in good hands, with the right teacher in the right class at the right time for you. Read more >>

Awesome Talk…What Is It?

I'm excited to announce a brand new feature that I've created FOR you and FROM you.  It's called “Awesome Talk”.

Awesome Talk was created from YOUR feedback.

I heard from a lot of you who were so excited by the results you've been getting from my classes that you wanted more.   You asked me for a way to keep the AWESOMENESS flowing in between the classes.

Click here to download your Level Jump Guide