
Archive for the ‘Acting Career’ Category


What I Know For Sure About Actors

In the back of every The Oprah Magazine, Oprah Winfrey writes a little article called “What I Know For Sure”. I love these pieces because they are from her heart and they speak her truth.

So, since this is a special time of year, I wanted to take a moment to share with you what I know for sure about actors…about YOU and hope it inspires you… or at least brings a little smile to your face.

Having worked with thousands of actors like you over the years – from brand-spanking new to working actors to household names and beyond – there are some things I’ve become keenly aware of about YOU…even some things that you don’t notice about yourself, so I thought I’d share them here. Read more >>

4 Lethal Pilot Season Mistakes Most Actors Make (And The Fixes You Need For Each)


Pilot Season.

Two simple words send a shiver down the spine of thousands of actors every year…

Why does the annual madness known as Pilot Season cause shivers?  

I'll tell you in just a sec…

But more importantly…

How can you avoid the 4 BIG mistakes those shivers will cause you to make?

Don't worry…I've got ya covered

Let's dig in…

The Truth About Actor Branding & Booking More Acting Jobs [Pt. 3 of 3]


This is Part 3 of a 3-part series on why ACTOR BRANDING is such an important part of your acting career:

Part 1 – Actor Branding — If You Don't Brand Yourself Now, You'll Hate Yourself Later
Part 2 –  Actor Branding vs. Typecasting – Here’s What Wins
Part 3 – [You Are Here]  The Truth About Actor Branding & Booking More Acting Jobs

actor branding
“Branding won't work for me because…”

Have you ever had that thought?

A lot of actors who haven't watched this video series (especially video No. 3) have.

Here's the truth about branding …

Actor Branding vs. Typecasting – Here’s What Wins [Pt. 2 of 3]

branding for actors vs typcasting

This is Part 2 of a 3-part series on why ACTOR BRANDING is such an important part of your acting career:

Part 1 – Actor Branding — If You Don't Brand Yourself Now, You'll Hate Yourself Later
Part 2 – [You Are Here] Actor Branding vs. Typecasting – Here’s What Wins
Part 3 – The Truth About Actor Branding & Booking More Acting Jobs

What if it sticks?

“OMG…What if I brand myself and I get STUCK with that role…FOREVER?”

That’s the fear most actors have who don’t understand what actor branding is (and the power you’ll have over your acting career when you deploy actor branding correctly).

Guess what those fearful, unbranded actors have confused branding with?

Yup. You guessed it…typecasting.

Yes, I know — on the surface, and if you don't really know how to use actor branding seamlessly to give your acting career the shot of adrenaline it is dying for, they seem similar…

But are they the same?

Actor Branding: If You Don’t Brand Yourself Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later [Pt. 1 of 3]


This is Part 1 of a 3-part series on why BRANDING is such an important part of your acting career:

Part 1[You Are Here] – Branding For Actors — If You Don't Brand Yourself Now, You'll Hate Yourself Later
Part 2 – Actor Branding vs. Typecasting – Here’s What Wins
Part 3 – The Truth About Actor Branding & Booking More Acting Jobs

actor branding
Raise your hand if you've ever said:

“I hate all that branding & marketing stuff – I just want to ACT!”

If you've experienced dread or just plain ol' distaste about “branding & marketing” yourself as an actor, that makes total sense.

What creative artist wouldn't?

After all, you were trained to create — to embody a character and tell a story…Not “brand yourself” and do marketing.


But what if you could do both without that icky feeling at all? Read more >>

WORKING ACTOR TIP: How To Pass On An Acting Project Gracefully (Without Insulting The Filmmakers or Casting)

working actor tip

If you're a working actor, you know that sometimes you have to say no to an audition or an offer.

If you're NOT working yet, it may seem hard to believe that you'll be passing on any audition or offer, but your time will come.

And whether you're working now or will be in the future, you need to know how to pass on a project with grace (and without insulting anyone like the Casting Director, the Director, Producer, etc.)

So, if you want to know how the best working actors handle this tricky situation, please watch this video… Read more >>

Ever Felt Like Quitting Acting? WAIT! Do This Instead…

Ever felt like quitting acting?

Ever felt defeated by the business and by your own acting career?

Ever heard that little voice of doubt prompting you to say to yourself:

“Ugh, should I just quit acting?”


Before you do anything like that, please watch this video… Read more >>

5 Things Every Actor Needs To Know About Acting Demo Reels (If You Want Yours Watched)

“What makes a Casting Director or Agent watch your demo reel?”

Have you ever wondered?…

Of course!  What professional actor hasn't?

In fact, there are several key questions you absolutely SHOULD be asking when it comes to making a compelling demo reel that casting directors, agents, managers, producers or directors will watch.

In this video blog, we'll cover the 5 most common questions about demo reels:

  1. What are “they” looking for in my demo reel?
  2. What should go on my demo reel?
  3. What should I do if I have no footage yet?
  4. How long should my demo reel be?
  5. How should I organize my clips on my demo reel?


Do You REALLY Have To Move To LA or NY To Make It As An Actor?

If you're an actor and you're NOT in L.A. or N.Y., you've probably asked yourself these questions:

  • Do I have to move to Los Angeles or New York City to be successful as an actor?
  • Can I make it as an actor from where I live now?
  • How do I know if a move to L.A. or N.Y. is right for me and my acting career?

Those are all good questions.

And there are A LOT of opportunities in L.A. and N.Y. for actors…BUT… Read more >>

The Acting Class Bottom Line: How Much Does A Good One Cost? [Pt. 3 of 3]

how much does acting class cost

This post is the third in a 3-part series on “6 Steps To Find The Perfect Acting Class For You”.

Part 1: Finding The Perfect Acting Class; Sorting, Sifting & Being Specific
Part 2: 6 Things To Look For When You Audit An Acting Class
Part 3: [You Are Here] Price, Value & Location of The Perfect Acting Class

actor branding

In the first post, I gave you 3 important steps in our 6-step process to help you find, focus and narrow down your acting class choices.

In the second post, I addressed step 4 and showed you 6 important things to look for when you’re auditing potential acting classes.

Now that you’ve narrowed down your potential class and teacher candidates, this post will pick up where the second post left off, and give you the answer to 2 final important questions…

“How much should a good acting class cost?”

“What if there’s no good classes near me?”

Let’s dig into the next step in the process… Read more >>

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