The Acting Class Bottom Line: How Much Does A Good One Cost? [Pt. 3 of 3]
This post is the third in a 3-part series on “6 Steps To Find The Perfect Acting Class For You”.
Part 1: Finding The Perfect Acting Class; Sorting, Sifting & Being Specific
Part 2: 6 Things To Look For When You Audit An Acting Class
Part 3: [You Are Here] Price, Value & Location of The Perfect Acting Class
In the first post, I gave you 3 important steps in our 6-step process to help you find, focus and narrow down your acting class choices.
In the second post, I addressed step 4 and showed you 6 important things to look for when you’re auditing potential acting classes.
Now that you’ve narrowed down your potential class and teacher candidates, this post will pick up where the second post left off, and give you the answer to 2 final important questions…
“How much should a good acting class cost?”
“What if there’s no good classes near me?”
Let’s dig into the next step in the process…
No matter how closely you’ve followed steps 1-4, no doubt this question has been quietly lurking around the back of your mind the whole time:
“How much is this gonna cost me?”
I get it. That’s a valid question.
And while you should consider it (of course), price should not be the sole factor in determining the perfect acting class for you.
In the same way that in part 1 of this series, we talked about not choosing a teacher JUST because they’ve been recommended by someone or JUST because they’re well-known, you also don’t want to choose JUST based on price.
After all, the most expensive acting teacher may not be the best and the least expensive may not be the worst.
Or vice-versa.
And look, I'd love to give you a number — a price that's exactly what you should pay for a great acting class — but the truth is it depends on a lot of factors such as:
- What market you're in (and how big/small it is)
- How many classes per week (and if you work every time or not)
- How many people are in the class (and whether it's ongoing, a limited series or a drop-in class)…
…just to name a few.
There will be a range that varies by the market you're in.
So, in order to find the right acting class for you at the right price for you, you must consider price as a factor ALONG WITH everything you’ve learned in the prior 4 steps.
REMEMBER, when it comes to choosing the perfect acting class for you, price may be A factor, but it shouldn’t be THE factor.
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This leads to one final point to remember…
If you’re in Los Angeles or New York or some other large market, you’re going to have a wealth of acting classes to choose from. Great!
But what if you live in a smaller market?
How do you find the right acting class when you don’t have as many good local options to choose from?
If you’ve followed all the steps you learned in part 1 and part 2 of this series but you just don’t have enough good local options to choose from, it’s time to venture outside the box a bit.
You have 2 options:
Take An Online Acting Class!
After all, we live in an digital world. Possibilities abound!
If you have a solid Internet connection, you can study online with some wonderful streaming online classes as well as private lessons available with some great teachers that meet all your criteria.
Take Class In A Bigger City Near You
If you’re willing to travel a bit, you’ll likely have many more options at your fingertips to choose from. Look for options in the next biggest city nearby (something that’s within a few hours’ drive and has more resources). Consider taking some weekend classes or going on your days off.
It may be a bit of a drive, but it’s worth it when you find the right one for you.
Just remember to go back to Part 1 in this series, and do your homework before you commit to anything.
Do the best you can with what is available, but don’t settle.
There you have it. Now you know the 6 steps to find the perfect acting class for you.
Here's a quick video recap of all 6 steps to find the perfect acting class:
Of course, the most important thing is that you follow them and use them!
Find the perfect acting class FOR YOU.
One that makes you a better, happier, creative actor who never stops growing.
Because at the end of the day, that’s what matters most.
Your turn! Was this series on finding the perfect acting class helpful? Which step helped you the most? Tell me about it in the comments below… :-)
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Amy Jo Berman's Tips On Acting & Auditioning Blog
“I show actors how to take the struggle out of ‘struggling actor'!”
I have to admit, I’ve been VERY lucky in this adventure called acting I’ve managed to connect with super coaches & teachers. You are definitely included in this Amy! :-D
I’ve done intensives, workshops & good old fashioned weekly classes my entire career & have to say, I love the weeklys the best. They keep me focused in the lean times of filming. I do t get lazy or discouraged.
Thank you AmyJo! Great advice!
What are some online acting classes out there that are good?