

5 Things Every Actor Needs To Know About Acting Demo Reels (If You Want Yours Watched)

“What makes a Casting Director or Agent watch your demo reel?”

Have you ever wondered?…

Of course!  What professional actor hasn't?

In fact, there are several key questions you absolutely SHOULD be asking when it comes to making a compelling demo reel that casting directors, agents, managers, producers or directors will watch.

In this video blog, we'll cover the 5 most common questions about demo reels:

  1. What are “they” looking for in my demo reel?
  2. What should go on my demo reel?
  3. What should I do if I have no footage yet?
  4. How long should my demo reel be?
  5. How should I organize my clips on my demo reel?

Recently I shot a series of quick video tips answering all of these questions and I've gathered them all together to make it easy for you to get all your answers in one handy-dandy demo reel vlog.  BOOM!

Let's dig in…


In demo reel quick tip #1 you'll get the answer to the question:

“What are “they” looking for in my demo reel?”


In demo reel quick tip#2 you'll get the answer to the question:

“What should go on my demo reel?”


In demo reel quick tip #3 you'll get the answer to the question:

“What do I do if I don’t have any footage yet?”


In demo reel quick tip #4 you'll get the answer to the question:

“How long should my demo reel be?”



In demo reel quick tip #5 you'll get the answer to the question:

“How should I organize the clips on my demo reel?”



Your turn! What this quick video tip series on acting demo reels helpful?  Which one helped you the most? Please share it in the comments below :-)

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Did this quick video series on acting demo reels help you? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook

Amy Jo Berman - Acting Coach
Amy Jo Berman's Tips On Acting & Auditioning Blog
Email: Asst@AmyJoBerman.com

“I show actors how to take the struggle out of “struggling actor” and become Unstoppable Actors!”

If you enjoyed this quick video series on acting demo reels, retweet and comment please.

8 Responses

  1. Joshuá Caleb Dickinson says:

    5. The layout has always been a haze until now.

    Appreciate it.

  2. Mi Kwan Lock says:

    Thanks a lot Amy! Tip #4 and 5! ;)

  3. Stan Alto says:

    Tip#4 so very important! Hit them with your best in 2 mins or less!

  4. Kathy McAnany says:

    I found all to be helpful. But #3 helped me the most. I was wondering about those demo reel companies. This answered my question. Always amazing content. Thanks Amy.

  5. Michael Andolini says:

    #4 and #5 best helped me.. All are important, but last 2 were what I needed to move forward. Thanks Amy!?☜

  6. John Culver says:

    Length and order of scenes helped to reinforce that what I’ve done is on track. Thanks Amy!

  7. Melissa O'Brien says:

    I’ve heard that some agents now prefer to see just a single scene, not a demo reel. What do you think about that?

  8. Poky says:

    Super tips, as always! I was afraid you were going to say something that would make me think my demo reel was a disaster, but you put my mind at ease. I “think” it’s actually ok. :)

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